I saw this quote the other day and it really spoke to me:
How something ends up never depends on how much you worry about it.
I’m a born worrier. It’s in my genes. I’ve worried since I was a kid about every little thing. Literally every test I’ve ever taken…I’ve worried. Every decision that seemed big at the time…I’ve worried. Every move or career change…you guessed it, I’ve worried.
The fact is that the energy I spent on worrying about each of these things never actually impacted how they ended up. So little did I know as a kid that the energy I spent worrying about a test could have been better spent studying for it, even studying for the next exam, or hell, making a fun memory and enjoying being a kid! Worrying was never going to contribute to me getting that A.
I was on a coaching call today and something said on it really stuck with me: Think of how much energy our thoughts take out of us, and how much time worrying and overthinking can take. If you’re anything like me, it’s a fair amount.
Now if we flip that a bit and every time we start to worry, we ask ourselves this: Is all of this thinking and worrying I’m doing actually going to solve the issue I’m stuck on? Odds are that no, thinking on and worrying about something won’t change a thing. You know what will? Action!
Worrying isn’t problem solving. It’s actually the opposite. You’re getting your mind so confused that it starts convincing itself that there is no solution, when the solution is probably pretty obvious. If you’re overwhelmed with piles in your home…go through them! If you’re worried about changing jobs…make a pro/con list and your answer will be right there. If you are worried about money…brainstorm ways that you can take control by changing your situation like finding a different job or starting your own business or opening a savings account.
So to all of my fellow worriers, let’s work together to cut it out for our health and sanity. Stop being a worrier and be a warrior! Begin by stopping yourself when you start worrying and really consider these 3 things:
- What is it specifically that I’m worried about? Be detailed and clear.
- Is this something that is absolutely going to happen? If it isn’t, then stop dwelling because whatever you’re thinking probably isn’t going to happen. Focus on something positive like your favorite hobby, an upcoming trip, schedule a happy hour with your friends (you get the idea).
- If this thing you’re worrying about is definitely going to happen (like an upcoming surgery, for example), then ask yourself: What action can I do to improve that scenario? (If it’s something health related like a diagnosis or surgery, choose to spend your time in prayer or mediation to channel your energy more positively or distract yourself by being around people who support and love you.)
Ultimately I want you to know that you’re not alone and you’re in good company. And while I am a lifetime worrier, I’ve found ways to overcome these feelings and move forward with a positive mindset. And the great news is that YOU CAN TOO!
Stay inspired 🙂
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