A culinary adventure sounds a little strange, I know. But let’s be honest – I love food and cooking and one of my favorite pastime is traveling. I don’t get to go on trips very often, but I started thinking that maybe I didn’t have to leave my kitchen to have an adventure.
The idea behind going on my culinary adventures is twofold. First, I want to tackle those foods I love. You know, the dishes that you enjoy eating at a restaurant but would never get around to making at home. Or those foods that are so yummy that you want to find more ways to enjoy them. Second, there are some ingredients or dishes that people rave about but I’ve never eaten, let alone tried to make myself. Then there are other times where I see a type of food that makes me scratch my head and wonder: “What the heck do you do with that anyway?” So I shall take a week and figure out what the heck I should do with it!
Each week I’ll tackle a dish or an ingredient and see what happens Maybe one week I’ll prove to myself that I can learn a new technique, and the next I hope to discover some fun fact or new recipe. Either way, I’ll share what happened during that journey and what I learned along the way.
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