One of my favorite playlists that I listen to constantly comes from the music played on the show Alias. The music was fabulous and so was this JJ Abrams classic. How can you not love a show that kicks butt, has tons of spying, and also features Jennifer Garner, Michael Vartan, and the lovely Bradley Cooper? (That’s not a trick question.)
I remember back in college when this show first premiered. I was sitting in my room at my sorority house with an essay looming over my head on a Sunday night. I sat at my computer with ABC on the tube poised to begin typing, when all of the sudden Jennifer Garner shows up on my television with red hair and kick ass moves.
I was immediately drawn in, but I told myself (being the good student that I was) that I would promptly begin writing my paper during the commercial breaks. However, that did not seem to be in the cards for me as the first show was two hours long with no, I repeat no, commercial breaks. I was sucked in from the beginning.
I watched the show like clockwork each week every season and loved every minute of it. I recall when I moved to London for a year that one of my requests for my sister was that she record every single episode of the new season for me, which she lovingly did. And over Christmas break, she and I sat in our parents dining room and got me caught up. She proceeded to tape the remaining new shows for me in the Spring and when I moved back that summer, I was up to speed in no time. Best. Sister. Ever. My friends in London at the time could tell you now, I’m sure, that I really missed that show that year. So much so that I made them watch previous season DVDs with me and got them hooked as well. They are such good friends!!
Then before I knew it, the show was over. Done. No more. I now own every episode of Alias and think each week how I ought to start it from the beginning…in fact, maybe I will. I have been listening to the playlist every day this past week during my lunchtime walks, and it has reminded me how lovely that show is, and if you haven’t seen it, you must check it out. Men and women both love Jennifer Garner kicking butt (the men probably enjoy the skimpy clothing she dons more than anything). Go rent it, heck, go buy it…you’ll thank me later. Happy (re)watching!!
It didn't take me long to get hooked on it as the two of you watched it in the dining room. Now, of course, I own the entire show on DVD. I was just thinking about "Alias" yesterday, and wished I had time to watch it, as well as "Ally McBeal," again. Maybe some day I'll find time.