I’m so excited that I can hardly stand it … One week from now I’ll be in London! Eeeks!
Ah, London … I used to live in this fabulous city (twice actually). I studied abroad there one Summer and loved it so much that I ended up going to grad school there.
I’ve only been back once since that time and it was way back in 2008. And if I’m being honest, I was in such a sad point of my life that the whole trip was a blur. Plus it was for work, so it wasn’t a real vacation. Needless to say, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I wish I had.
This is the first time I’ll have gone to London for an actual vacay. That’s right, no school or work to dictate what I do each day … hooray!! And even better is that I get to go with my sister, who just traveled to London for the first time last month. (But it was a work trip for her, so she didn’t get to do too much.) My brain is spinning thinking of everything I want to show her and how we’ll possibly squeeze it all in.
What’s even cooler is that exactly a week from today, I’ll be spending the day at … wait for it … The Ritz London for training with my mentor!! Are you kidding me?! How is this my reality?! (Side note, one day I will absolutely stay at The Ritz in all of its 5-star glory. Seriously click that link and see how gorgeous it is!) I remember walking by The Ritz when I lived in London and thinking how cool it looked, and now I can’t believe I’m actually going to an event there … wow!!
And once we spend a few days in London we’re off to Scotland to go explore and enjoy. I cannot say enough good things about Scotland. I’ve visited twice, and I have the fondest memories from both of those trips. I can’t wait to go experience it again.
Have you ever been to Scotland?! Oh the beauty, the landscapes, and the people are simply the nicest! Where are your favorite spots to go? I’d love some ideas of spots we can’t miss!
And my heart just melts for London. I’m happy to say it really is my second home, and every time I go I get so emotional because it just makes me so happy. Do you love it too? What are your favorite things to do?

Exploring Oxford with my friends Laura & Jenny on a day trip for grad school. We were so young and adorable!
Personally I can’t wait to revisit my old haunts, walk through London’s AMAZING parks and along the Thames. I must hit several museums and shopping spots. Truly I think packing is going to be the toughest part as I figure out how to pack everything in carry ons. But stay tuned, as I’m sure I’ll have some great tips after this trip!
Holy cow, it’s only one week from now!! I absolutely adore the feeling I get when I think about an upcoming trip I have planned. It’s always so exciting to go explore a new city or one that you love. Can’t wait! UK, here I come!
Don’t forget to comment below with some ideas for us of where to see, eat, and experience! And the best way to keep up with what we’re up to on our trip is to follow me over on Instagram, where I’ll be sharing what we’re up to!
Stay inspired & go plan a trip!
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